Computer Technology : -

Computer Technology

Information technology is an area under which computers or other physical devices (hardware, software) are used to create, process, sucure and exchange electronic data. Under the simple definition, under Information Technology, we study and use systems like computer and telecommunication for storage, retrieval and exchange of information. Everything related to computing technology refers to information technology. This means, the work done by the computer and related things like Internet, Networking, Data management etc. are all a part of information technology. An information technology system is also commonly known as information system (communication system) or computer system.
information technology or information technology is a big field, almost all modern technology today is based on this. If we talk about its use, Information Technology has influenced every aspect of human beings. Our Education, Society, Business, Entertainment, Telecommunications etc. are taking advantage of all important things.
With the advent of information technology, many new services have opened in the field of telecommunications. The computer itself uses the telephone network to communicate via email. Along with this, important innovations like Radio, TV transmission, World Wide Web (WWW) were made possible with the development of IT. Telephone and internet service were brought together within a phone through information technology. The invention of technologies like computer mobiles has given a lot of entertainment opportunities in our lives. Today we can access movies and music online through internet. Apart from this, there are many such entertainment tools, which we have received from the development of IT.
This technology is called physical technology, which works with information. Hardware is the parts of computer that we can see and touch. For example, CPU, Motherboard, Keyword, Mouse etc. are called computer hardware. Apart from this, Micro computer, Mainframe and Storage device are also covered under this. Software is a set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. In simple language, you can also call it a program. For example, programmers who create software actually write commands or instructions. According to which the hardware works. It has two main parts, the first operation system in which the hardware is made usable. Another application software that is designed for some specific tasks.
In this process, all the hardware is joined together to create a network. Wire can be used for this. Such as ethernet cable or fiber optics and / or wireless like Wifi connection can also be established. If a particular area such as office, school computers are to be connected, then a Local area network (LAN) is designed for this. Wide area network (WAN) is designed if connection is to be made remotely.
Today's information technology or IT is mainly related to computer technology. Most of our tasks also depend on the computer. So let's see why information technology IT is important, what are its benefits in our lives. Information technology brought revolution in the field of IT communication (communication) today we can talk with anyone with the help of massege, voice call, video call. Information technology has made sharing of information, knowledge, communication and relations between different countries, languages ​​and cultures much easier.
The development of IT has also taken Business to a new dimension. Today it has become easy for companies to reach their customers. With this, we can operate our business online, which makes it easy for us to sell our product. Information technology IT has produced many marks. The new Nokaria Information technology like computer programmer, hardware developer, software developer, system analyzers and web designer. IT stores information at a low cost and also provides protection. If you have a business, it is very important from that point of view.
Computer : -
A computer (another name - computer, calculator; is actually a programmable machine) that is capable of automatically performing given mathematical and logical operations in sequence. It can be used to perform numerical mathematical, logical verbs and various other types of calculations. Can be directed in a planned manner to complete from.
Since the order of instructions can be changed to complete any action plan. A computer can perform more than one type of operation. This instruction is called computer programming and the computer understands the user's instructions with the help of computer programming language. Mechanical computers were present for many centuries but nowadays the computer is mainly intended Is a power-driven compiler developed in the mid-twentieth century. Since then it has been progressively smaller in size and in operation. Has become very capable of drift. Now computers can be inserted inside the clock and can be run with an electric battery (battery).
Various forms of personal computers such as portable computers, tablets etc. have become an everyday necessity. In traditional computers There is a central operating unit (CPU) and memory for information storage. The operation unit performs arithmetic and logical calculations, and an indexing and control unit can change the order of operations based on instructions held in memory. Peripheral or surface mounted devices can take information from any external source and keep the result of the action safe in memory and retrieve it when needed. Modern computers based on integrated circuits are much more capable and take very less space than crores of thousands of old computers.
Common computers are so small that even mobile phones can fit in them and mobile computers can work even with the energy from a small electric battery (battery). Most people hold the same opinion about "computers" that personal computers in their various forms are the heroes of the information technology era. However, embedded systems, which are found in most devices such as numeric MP3 players, ranging from aircraft and toys to industrial human machines, are more popular among people.